What is “Friends of LUCA”

Friends of LUCA (“Leeds Ukraine Charity”) is our latest initiative to continue supporting the people of Ukraine! 

For only £5 a month, you can join our membership programme and get the following benefits.


Your regular contribution will enable us to continue our charitable work for Ukraine.

Here are some photos of the ways our charity supports Ukraine.

How to Join!

Step 1

Fill in the form by clicking the Link or scanning the QR below so we can add you to our membership and contact you. We will confirm your membership by email.
Please note, we make our draw on the last Saturday in the month, so please join before then.

Step 2

Set up a Standing Order at your Bank or Building Society.

This can be done by:

  • Using your online/mobile banking app and creating a standing order for £5 per month.
  • Use the following bank details:
    Leeds Ukrainian Community Association
    Account Number: 53441105, Sort Code: 20-76-92


  • Downloading the form below. Print and fill it in and then take it into your banks local branch.
Download Our Standing ORDER FORM